My research is centered around understanding how implicit and explicit incentives influence decision-making. I study decision-making in a variety of contexts, including both board-level and CEO-level decision-making. Additionally, I study the role that CEO labour markets have in strategic decision-making and optimal contract design.
My empirical approaches are centered around causal inference. I additionally use laboratory experiments and structural econometrics to better understand the underlying mechanisms of the phenomena I study.
Working Papers
Maric, S., Wiseman, RM., & Oppenheimer, A. [Paper on CEO Human Capital].
Winner of the best Research Methods award at the SMS 2023 Conference
Nominated for best STR division paper at the AOM 2023 Conference
AOM 2023 Best Paper Proceedings
Maric, S., Martin, G., Benischke, M., & Johnson, R. E. [Paper on Agency Theory & Effort].
Maric, S., Wiseman, RM., & Gai, S. [Paper on Narrow Framing].
Nominated for best Ph.D. paper at the SMS 2020 Conference
Gai, S., & Maric, S. [Paper on Board Biases].
Shamsie, J., Maric, S., Wiseman, RM., & Miller, D. [Paper on Firm Specificity].
Nominated for best OMT division paper at the Southern Management Association 2023 Conference
Work in Progress
Maric, S., Hays, N., & Gai, S. [Paper on Anchoring]. Fourth laboratory experiment in progress.
Shi, W., & Maric, S. [Paper on Compensation Consultants]. Data analysis in progress.
McNamara, G., Lee, P., & Maric, S. [Paper on Reputation & Status]. Data analysis in progress.
Maric, S., Ersahin, N., & Ivkovic, Z. [Paper on CEO Labor Markets]. Data analysis in progress.
Pozner, JE., Gai, S., & Maric, S. [Paper on Racial Minorities]. Data analysis in progress.